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Does an eSIM consume more power than a regular physical SIM card?

Does an eSIM consume more power than a regular physical SIM card?

Does an eSIM consume more power than a regular physical SIM card?

The short answer is: No.

When we travel, we often worry about running out of battery. If our phone dies, we might get lost, be unable to contact others, or miss out on documenting our trip with photos. Many people believe that using an eSIM drains more power, but in reality, eSIM technology employs low-power consumption techniques. It replaces the physical SIM card in your phone to connect to the local telecom network without consuming more power than a regular SIM card.

The misunderstanding may arise because:

  1. GPS apps consume more power, and frequent use of navigation while traveling can quickly drain the battery.
  2. Local telecom providers may offer unstable network strength or obstacles may block signal strength. If the phone is in an area with weak signal, it will need more power to maintain the connection.

What are some efficient ways to use your phone's battery?

  1. Lower screen brightness and display time: Reduce the screen brightness and display time, or use Dark Mode, which requires less power for displaying colored areas.
  2. Turn off unused features: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS consume a lot of power. Turning them off when not in use can save battery life. Additionally, you can disable the iPhone's automatic wake feature to prevent the screen from lighting up when picked up.
  3. Use power-saving mode: When your battery is low, enable power-saving mode. This will disable high-power-consuming features running in the background.
  4. Avoid vibrations: Use your phone's ringtone instead of vibration, as vibrating uses more power than ringing.
  5. Monitor app usage: Some apps consume more power than others. Check your phone's battery settings and avoid using high-power apps while traveling.
  6. Use a better charger: Avoid chargers that cause overheating during charging.
  7. Enable airplane mode in low-signal areas: If you're in an area with poor signal, turn on airplane mode to save power.
  8. Reduce camera usage: The camera and flash are high-power functions. Avoid using them when your battery is low.
  9. Keep your phone at room temperature: Avoid exposing your phone to high temperatures to minimize the impact on the battery.
  10. Maintain good charging habits: Avoid charging your phone when the battery is extremely low, and don’t leave it plugged in once it’s fully charged.

In summary, the eSIM is not the main cause of high power consumption. The tips mentioned above can help you extend your battery life when it’s running low!

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